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Friday, December 12, 2014

Are you an optimist?

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;
an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
- Winston Churchill

Here are 6 things optimists do differently

1. Optimists let things go.

Optimists rarely over think events, situations and people. They habitually let things go and put their time and focus on what matters most. Dwelling on the past and looking too far into something rarely brings a positive outcome. It usually bring negative assumptions and future pain and miscommunication.

2. Optimists embrace the roller coaster of life.

A misconception is that optimists have perfect, lucky lives and that’s why they are happy. On the contrary, optimists have ups and downs too. They are not immune to negativity, mistakes or challenges. Optimists have learned how to go with the flow and bounce back harder and faster from a defeat.

3. Optimists take chances.

Most people would take more chances if they didn’t have to fear or worry about the outcome. Optimists go with the flow and follow what feels good. They cast out worries and fears quickly. That’s not to say they don’t exists, but they release them as quickly as they arise because they understand that even if it doesn’t work out you can always learn from your mistakes.

4. Optimists are thankful (a lot!).

It’s very important to practice the power of being thankful. Typically, it’s very easy to focus on what is going wrong instead of what is going right. Research shows, again and again, that people who practice gratitude on a daily basis are healthier, happier, and more effective.

That’s why it’s an essential habit for optimists to practice daily. It’s like second nature to them, they live their life internally and verbally thanking others.

5. Optimists are flexible.

When plans change optimists are calm, cool and collected. They’re focus is . . . “What’s next?”

To an optimist, change of plans just means a change in adventure. No matter where an optimist is, they will find a way to enjoy themselves. They take things as they come. For example, a cancelled event due to bad weather would never be a “ruined day”. To an optimist, what’s meant to be will be.

6. Optimists smile and laugh often.
A positive attitude is contagious. To an optimist, nothing can truly ruin their day. They will always find something that will make them smile, laugh or give them hope. They understand that a negative attitude will just bring a negative whirlwind of issues with it for the future. Who wants that?

Optimist enjoy smiling and laughing often. It keeps the mood light and the vibrations high. Even if the optimist doesn’t have something cheery to celebrate themselves, they seek it out for other people. An optimist can be your best cheerleader. They can turn an average day into a celebration!


Enjoy the Holiday Season!

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