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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

We have to educate ourselves and search for the truth before we make a decision.

Politicians should explain how they are going to change things and not just throw around statements they believe we'll accept or want to hear!
Creating jobs - we only can create jobs if there is a demand for products and services. People have been holding on to their money and instead of charging up the credit cards they have been paying down the debt. This is also the case in Europe. No great demand for products and services.The global economy is suffering too.

Good news - We have had a steady increase in job creations for the last 45 months. We are on the road to recovery.

My thoughts for the future:

We have to keep the rules and regulations for the financial industry (Banks, Wall Street / De-regulation got us into this mess)
We have to invest in our educational system
We have to invest in repairing and building bridges, roads, railroads, etc.
We have to invest in alternative energy
We have to invest in cyber security
We have to make sure our military stays strong
We have to implement health care for everybody
We have to check our trade agreements with other countries

We shall do everything to keep this a peaceful world!
And of course we shall continue with our humanitarian aid around the world.

The President of the United States of America has to be a great Diplomat and Leader!

I'll address the Deficit and Taxes another time.

Congress should not give themselves a salary increase as they have always done during the last years; they should put a freeze on their salaries for a few years.

O objetivo de grande parte de políticos e economistas é nos manter em estado de pânico - e desta maneira nos manipular mais facilmente

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